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Sirous Gorjestani’s most popular roles

Late Iranian actor Sirous Gorjestani had appeared in many films and series.

Late Iranian actor Sirous Gorjestani had appeared in many films and series.

He also starred in a number of ifilm series.

In this article we will review some of his most popular series, known to ifilm English viewers.


‘My Mother’

In the most recent series of ifilm ‘My Mother’, Gorjestani appeared as the grandfather of the main characters. He had a short but impressive role in this series.

The series narrates the story of a strong woman who has been through the ups and downs of life and managed to survive and thrive. But an old secret unravels her life and disturbs her peace.

She realizes some of her loved ones have gravely wronged her and sets on a path to get back what was taken away.


‘The Occupiers’

In ‘The Occupiers’, Gorjestani had the role of the father of the family.

‘When Ava and her two children return home from an overseas vacation find out that her husband Ardeshir has sold their home and has gone missing. After finding Ardeshir, Ava and her kids have to spend the following days and weeks either stranded outside on the streets or at her mother’s house trying to figure a way out of the financial misfortune they’ve incurred,’ a short synopsis of the series reads.


‘A Passenger to Rey’

This series, originally being a movie, had enjoyed Gorjestani’s brilliant act.

A Passenger to Rey’ is the story of Abdol-Azim Hassani who was a trusted companion of Imam Hadi (AS). During the reign of the Abbasid caliph, Mutawakkil, Imam Hadi (AS) sent Abdol-Azim to the Iranian city of Rey to unite the Shias and bring an end to the discord among them. Thus, he begins his journey from Iraq to Rey and along the way; he meets different people with different thoughts and beliefs. 'A Passenger to Rey' recounts the story of this great religious scholar whose shrine in the Iranian city of Rey is among one of the country’s most notable holy sites.


‘The British Briefcase’

The British Briefcase’ also had Gorjestani in the main cast, known to ifilm viewers.

The British Briefcase revolves around politics, patriotism and betrayal. It is the story of the old and the new. A young lawyer fresh from Europe arrives in his hometown; he is decided to make a difference by running for parliament elections. He has to compete with a rich and powerful lord and his arrogant son who will do anything in their power to keep the ruling under his own politics; even though his politics often clashes with the traditions of his local people.



In one of his comedy roles, Gorjestani appeared in a popular series ‘Haft-Seen’.

It is near the new-year holidays when a tenant of an apartment must vacate and then deliver the apartment to the next tenant. Meanwhile, an accident happens to the landlord, which leaves both the former and later tenants claiming rights to the apartment. With nowhere else to live, the two very different families have to get along and live in the same house while trying to resolve the problem.


The Iranian star passed away on July 2 at the age of 76.

He died of a heart attack in one of the hospitals in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Thursday.

